League of Legends Porcelain Skins: A Guide to Rarity and Exclusivity

League Of Legends Porcelain Skins

League of Legends (LoL) is undoubtedly one of the most popular online multiplayer games worldwide. The game’s success can be attributed to its dynamic gameplay, exciting tournaments, and unique feature – skins.

Skins add a new level of excitement to the game, allowing players to customize their champions’ appearance. However, not all skins are created equal, and Porcelain Skins are among the rarest and most exclusive ones.

In this article, we will delve into the world of Porcelain Skins in LoL, exploring their history, popularity, and how to obtain them. So, whether you’re a seasoned LoL player or a newbie, sit tight, and let’s explore the world of Porcelain Skins.

What are Porcelain Skins

A formidable porcelain skin for the knight-like champion in League of Legends.
A formidable porcelain skin for the knight-like champion in League of Legends.

Definition of Porcelain Skins and How They Differ from Other Skins

Porcelain Skins are a rare and exclusive type of skin in League of Legends. These skins feature a unique, porcelain-like texture that gives champions a premium and luxurious appearance. Unlike other skins, Porcelain Skins are not just a recoloring of champions’ original outfits but come with unique animations and sound effects.

Porcelain Skins are often inspired by traditional porcelain art, with intricate designs and patterns that make them stand out from other skins. They also come with exclusive borders, icons, and loading screens, adding an extra layer of prestige to their rarity.

Rarity and Exclusivity of Porcelain Skins

Porcelain Skins are among the rarest and most exclusive skins in LoL. They are only available during specific events, such as Lunar Revel or Snowdown Showdown, and are not obtainable through regular means such as the in-game store or loot boxes.

The rarity and exclusivity of Porcelain Skins make them highly sought after among LoL players, with some skins being sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars on third-party websites. Owning a Porcelain Skin not only adds to a player’s collection but also serves as a symbol of prestige and status within the LoL community.

The History of Porcelain Skins

A sleek porcelain skin for the cyborg-like champion in League of Legends.
A sleek porcelain skin for the cyborg-like champion in League of Legends.

How Porcelain Skins Came into Existence

Porcelain Skins were first introduced in League of Legends in 2012, as part of the Lunar Revel event. The skin series was designed to celebrate the Chinese New Year and was a limited-time release. The first-ever Porcelain Skin was for the champion Lux, featuring a stunning white and gold color scheme.

The popularity of Porcelain Skins skyrocketed, and since then, Riot Games has released several other Porcelain Skins. However, these skins are still considered some of the rarest and most exclusive skins in LoL.

The First-Ever Porcelain Skin Introduced in LoL

As mentioned earlier, the first-ever Porcelain Skin introduced in LoL was for the champion LuThe skin was called “Lux the Lady of Luminosity,” and it featured a white and gold color scheme with intricate details. The skin was highly sought-after, and its rarity only added to its value.

The Lux Porcelain Skin was an instant hit among players, and since then, Riot Games has released several other Porcelain Skins for different champions. These skins have become highly coveted items, with some even being sold for thousands of dollars in online marketplaces.

In conclusion, the history of Porcelain Skins in LoL is a fascinating one. These skins were introduced as part of a limited-time event but have since become some of the rarest and most exclusive skins in the game. The first-ever Porcelain Skin for Lux was a game-changer, and it paved the way for other Porcelain Skins to follow.

The Most Popular Porcelain Skins

A magical porcelain skin for the dragon-like champion in League of Legends.
A magical porcelain skin for the dragon-like champion in League of Legends.

Porcelain Skins in LoL are known for their unique design and exclusivity, but which ones are the most popular? Let’s take a closer look at the top-rated Porcelain Skins in LoL.

Katarina Porcelain Skin

Katarina Porcelain Skin is one of the most popular Porcelain Skins in LoL. This skin is designed with a white and blue color scheme, giving it a porcelain-like appearance. The skin’s unique feature is the white rose petals that surround Katarina, adding an extra touch of elegance to the skin.

Riven Porcelain Skin

Riven Porcelain Skin is another popular Porcelain Skin in LoL. This skin is designed with a white and gold color scheme, giving it a luxurious look. The skin’s unique feature is the white porcelain blade that Riven wields, making her look both elegant and deadly.

Jarvan IV Porcelain Skin

Jarvan IV Porcelain Skin is one of the rarest and most exclusive skins in LoL. The skin is designed with a white and gold color scheme, giving it a regal appearance. The skin’s unique feature is the white porcelain lance that Jarvan wields, making him look like a knight in shining armor.

Orianna Porcelain Skin

Orianna Porcelain Skin is designed with a white and silver color scheme, giving it a delicate and refined look. The skin’s unique feature is the white porcelain ball that Orianna controls, adding an extra touch of elegance to the skin.

In conclusion, Porcelain Skins in LoL are rare and exclusive, but the above skins are among the most popular. Each skin has a unique design and feature, making them stand out from the rest. Whether you’re a collector or a casual player, these skins are definitely worth adding to your collection.

How to Obtain Porcelain Skins

Porcelain Skins are among the rarest skins in LoL, making them a coveted possession for players. While obtaining these skins is not an easy feat, it is not impossible. Here are some ways to acquire Porcelain Skins in LoL:

1. Hextech Crafting

Hextech Crafting is an in-game feature that allows players to craft skins using Hextech Crafting materials. Players can earn these materials by opening Hextech Chests or by dismantling unwanted skins, ward skins, or champions. Once you have enough Hextech Crafting materials, you can use them to craft a Porcelain Skin.

2. In-Game Events

LoL frequently hosts in-game events that provide players with the opportunity to obtain exclusive skins, including Porcelain Skins. Keep an eye on the LoL event calendar and participate in these events to increase your chances of obtaining a Porcelain Skin.

3. Purchase from the Store

If you have the funds, you can purchase a Porcelain Skin directly from the LoL store. However, be prepared to shell out a significant amount of money as these skins are expensive.

Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Chances of Obtaining Porcelain Skins

  • Save your Hextech Crafting materials and don’t waste them on skins you’re not interested in.
  • Participate in in-game events and complete event missions to earn rewards.
  • Keep an eye on the LoL store for sales and discounts on skins.
  • Consider purchasing a Porcelain Skin from third-party websites, but exercise caution and ensure the website is reliable and trustworthy.

By following these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of obtaining a Porcelain Skin in LoL. Good luck on your journey to owning one of the rarest skins in the game!


In conclusion, Porcelain Skins in League of Legends are an exclusive and highly sought-after feature that adds a new level of excitement to the game. With their unique designs and rarity, obtaining them can be a challenge, but once acquired, they add a new level of prestige to your gaming experience.

From the history of Porcelain Skins to the most popular ones in the game, we hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into the world of LoL skins. Remember, the key to obtaining these skins is patience, dedication, and a little bit of luck.

If you’re on the hunt for Porcelain Skins in LoL, head over to Gamep.online, where you can find all the latest news, tips, and tricks to enhance your gaming experience. Keep playing, keep exploring, and keep unlocking those skins!